Do it for the LoLz

So, LoL or League of Legends is a action RTS game. I'm too lazy to type, so i'll just past the wikipedia info:

"Players are formed into 2 even teams of Champions, 3v3 or 5v5. As of August 2011, there are 81 different released champions.[7] Each team starts at opposing sides of a map in an area called the "fountain", near what is called a "Nexus". A match is won when either the opposing team's Nexus is destroyed or the other team surrenders. To destroy a Nexus, each team must work through a series of towers called "Turrets". Turrets are often placed along a path to each base referred to as a "Lane". Along the way, each player gains levels from killing the opposing team's champions and "Minions" (small NPCs that constantly spawn and attack the other team) and defeating neutral monsters (some of which grant buffs known as crests upon death). Completing objectives rewards players with gold which is used to purchase items. In League of Legends, each player starts at level 1 at the beginning of the match and can obtain the maximum of level 18 with their champion, leveling 4 different champion-specific abilities."

So yeah. That's on of the new games in the archive. Hit me up on there. MasaomiX is the username.

The only problem I have with this game is match length. My first match took 45 minutes to complete. Hell, after one match, i'm give out. lol So look for me to play one MAYBE two matches then take a break.


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